G’day. People regular to this site will know that sometimes I go off on slight tangents and post stuff of people stood by things other than statues, such as Stand by your Shrubbery, and, in tonight’s case, Stand by your Namesake.
This is a picture of yours truly stood by Adams Road, which is named after, well, me! Ahem, that’s a lie actually, as it’s really named after my Ma and Pa. Basically, my folks moved out to Perth in Western Australia in the late sixties, and started to farm some land what was then some distance away from the city. However, given the huge expansion that has taken place in Perth in the past couple of decades, the old farmhouse now sits in the Redhill suburbs, and what used to be a dirt track up to the house is now a spanking tarmac-covered road called Adams Road. So there you go…
Anyway, I am posting this particular picture tonight, as tomorrow I am hugely fortunate to travelling back out to Australia (as previously mentioned). As a result, sadly I am not going to be able to post much in the way of statues for the next couple of months. I will attempt to publish a few when in internet cafes over there, but it may not be thaaaat often! I’ll be back mind, as still have bags of lovely statues in the archives…
Rest assured, I shall be hunting down more Australian Big Things to stand by when out on the travels as well!
Given that I shan’t be posting in the near future, I shall continue to be self-indulgent just for minute. Below is another photo of me, John Adams, stood by John Adam Street in London. Quality hat that one…
I hope everyone out there has a brilliant couple of months. Thanks for reading and keep those statues photos coming in (to the email in my profile on the right). Speak soon…
Bon voyage, Mr Adams.
Have a wonderful trip - it's about time!
That's my favourite hat of all. Wish I'd brought it with me, I could have worn it watching Andy Murray today, tho that might have been a bit hot.
See you in a Melbourne boozer in a few days.
I just found your blog and love the concept! I'm going through old photos as soon as I finish posting, to see if we have any statue photos...but if not, you can be sure we'll take some! Have a wonderful trip, and I'm going to bookmark your blog so I can keep track of all the photos. We have lots of great statues here in the French Riviera - have you visited us? (If not, consider this an open invitation!)
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