Monday, April 04, 2005

He Ain't Heavy...

Meet Bob. He’s my brother. When we were travelling around Brazil, one of the main fast food chains was called Bobs. So here’s a picture of Bob Stood by his Bobs.

Here’s another one.

And another....!

I’m thinking you may all be suffering a little from statues overload a bit by now, so this week I’m going to go off on a slight tangent and publish a few photos of folk stood by their namesakes.

Of course, if you were to end up eating a bit too much at Bobs then you could end up being accused of being a bit of a…


Wino McHackenpuke said...

I don't like that goddamn annoying thing you've got over the "next blog" button.

Statue John said...

Er, tough.

John McClure said...

Can I submit a picture of me with Bob? Would that count?