Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Cardboard? Crikey…

Apologies as have been a bit busy this week to keep the blog updated…gonna be hectic over the next couple of days also so sadly this is your lot for the week. It’s quite a good one though ‘cos it features another cardboard cut-out (see here, here, here and here).

This is the not-so much wondering Pollster stood by his cardboard cut-out of none other than the legend that is Steve Irwin! I’m guessing quite a few of you have heard of our Steve, aka the ‘Crocodile Hunter’, wildlife documentary presenter extraordinaire who during his lifetime did a grand job of spreading word of Australia’s special wildlife around the world. His legacy is the Australia Zoo, located north of Brisbane in Queensland, where this cardboard cut-out can be found.

I’m sure Steve would be the first to say good on ya to the Wondering Poll for the myriad of statue photos that he has provided this website during the last year and a half while he’s been travelling around the world…I do believe he arrives back here in the UK later on this evening. So, yeah, good on ya mate, I’m gonna be publishing your pics for a good while yet…


Anonymous said...

Statue John, I'm sure that Steve Irwin would be pleased with this post. What a nice tribute that he lives on.

Anonymous said...

This is the not-so much wondering Pollster stood by his cardboard cut-out of none other than the legend that is Steve Irwin! I’m guessing quite a few of you have heard of our Steve, aka the ‘Crocodile Hunter’, wildlife documentary presenter extraordinaire who during his lifetime did a grand job of spreading word of Australia’s special wildlife around the world

Nick said...

This blog is genius.

bathmate said...

Excellent job , a good posting for this page ,lovely and Faboulious,Awesome writing,
really a wonderful blog


Catherina said...

What a great blog, people like him are remembered for long, and always leave a trace, I always wanted to come to Chicago to meet him, but I am very glad you have this honor.

Greetings to all those who remember him fondly.

Mark Benson said...

He sure was a legend and has left behind a legacy. Reaching through flights to Australia and exploring the Australian Zoo is the perfect salute one can pay to him for the services and work he has been contributing all his life, till death.

Cheapest Umrah Packages 2019 said...

Australia is no doubt a great country and I am planning to visit this country as this is my dream country. I will surely visit this country after my Umrah.

Aaban Raqib said...

He sure was a legend and has abandoned an inheritance. Coming to through cheap flights to hargeisa and investigating the Australian Zoo is the ideal salute one can pay to him for the administrations and work he has been contributing for his entire life, till death.