Ahem, hello *waves*. I am indeed alive and very well and have no proper excuses for not inhabiting blog land for the past couple of weeks. Lack of inspiration mainly I guess. Anyway I shall try and make it up to you, promise…
I shall begin doing this by resurrecting an occasional feature of celebrities standing by their statues. Tonight’s Stand By Your Statuee is none other than Mr Joe DiMaggio, baseball player extraordinaire. So here, Joe DiMaggio stands by……Joe DiMaggio. Nice one Joseph.
you seen that statue of Britney giving birth? any chance of getting her to stand next to that do you think....?
I don't want to see it either.
Hey ho.
Glad to see you're in fine shape, Statue John!! Good man, that Joe DiMaggio!! That Britney person, well, this is not a pandering site is it now??
Remarkable likeness of Joe DiMaggio, despite the pose being a bit off!
"that britney person"??? Is that all I am now?
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