Every once in a while I am totally inspired and heartened by a story of someone making a grand effort to imitate a statue of the world, which makes the whole rigmarole of updating this site all the more worthwhile. This is such a story…
Last month, my good friend Emma C (last seen in these parts yapping!) and housemate John took a trip to the remote north of Scotland. These parts of the country are characterised by wild rugged coastlines, and generally just the most beautiful scenery, and are a haven for hikers, climbers and allsorts of adventurous types. Em and John were discovering such wild rugged coastlines near Inverie, on the west coast of Scotland, when, on the horizon, a statue on a small mountain should appear (as seen above).
Never one to shirk a challenge, our intrepid explorers just HAD to get that imitation.
Braving the elements, they scaled the heights, avoiding the potentially lethal mountain goats above on the way…
Looking at the photo above, you’ll see that it is fairly steep and high up just in front of statue, and John had to some how contort himself onto his stomach on a convenient but small ledge in order to nail that perfect shot, as we see below.
Genius standing by your statue work I hope you agree, or as they say up there, a beezer effort (meaning cracking)! The statue is the second statue of the Madonna that we have featured on the site, and welcomes all seafolk into Inverie Bay.
1 comment:
That is soooo cool!! What an adventure!
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