Monday, November 14, 2005

Stood By Stonehenge...

Tonight we take a slight detour from the usual statue shenanigans in the name of a big bunch of rocks. Yep it’s one of the more famous landmarks here in the UK......Stonehenge. Many thanks to friend Jamie for sending in his mystical interpretation of the monument. It rocks! (Forgive the lame gag - It’s a Monday)…

When it comes to describing said monument, I can’t really do better than the legendary band Spinal Tap, who also rock:

Stonehenge, where the demons dwell;
Where the banshees live and they do live well;
Stonehenge, Where a man is a man and the children
Dance to the pipes of Pan;
Tis a magic place
Where the moon doth rise
With a dragon's face...

(As performed in the motion picture ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ – which does for rock and roll what the Sound Of Music did for hills).

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