Monday, January 17, 2005

It's a Thinking Man's Game...

This week we sail back across the Atlantic and look at some of the statues of Europe. Let us begin in France, namely Paris. In the delightful gardens of the Musée Rodin, in which you find works of the French artist Auguste Rodin, you’ll find the statue of Le Penseur, or ‘The Thinker’ to the English speakers of the world.

In this picture, it gives me great pleasure to introduce everyone to a new statue imitator, Mr Jamie Parish. Although he hasn’t quite truly mastered the imitation as he is wearing clothing, by virtue of the fact that he could have been looking at a short stint in a French jail as a result of Standing By Your Statue au naturel, I think it is more than reasonable to ignore this oversight! And besides, I don't think his wife-to-be at the time, who was taking the photo, would have been too impressed at such a dispaly of public nakedness.

I hope that everyone agrees that this is a highly commendable statue replication nevertheless.


John McClure said...

Il pense, donc il est, n'est ce pas?

Bravo, encore!

swisslet said...

Le Watford? Ils sont merde!

Jenni said...

I love your site :)

Laurie said...

Just great!

Anonymous said...

His wife should have encouraged him to imitate the statue exactly.
JK!!! Awesome pic though.

Dua Frey said...

It’s impressive how dedicated Mr Parish seems to be in recreating The Thinker.