Tuesday, October 18, 2005

On Guard...

Not got huge amounts of time this evening to construct a big post, so just thought I’d pop this photo up taken from the beautiful city of Prague in the Czech Republic a few years ago. Okay, so it doesn’t technically involve me stood by a statue, but it’s your classic cheesy holiday snap.

The man is guarding Prague Castle, which overlooks the city.


Anonymous said...

Statue John, What is that guy on the other side of the guard box doing? You know what it looks like. . . .

Statue John said...

Aah you see Ballerina i was hidden on the other side of the house type thing the guard was stood in, chickening out basically, so was unaware as to what was happening on my right at the time...

Given that the man you point out is stood around one metre away from an armed guard, he's gotta be pretty brave to be doing what he looks likes he's doing!