Monday, June 06, 2005

Just Like Joe...

Continuing with the baseball theme, we remain at Yankee Stadium this evening. At the far side of the pitch is the New York Yankees hall of fame, where they place plaques for the greatest players at the club. Now I don’t know much about baseball in general, but I do know that Joe DiMaggio (a.k.a. the Yankee Clipper) is one of the greatest players of all time. Donning his Yankees cap and Standing By his Joe DiMaggio is my friend Luke Noonan (a.k.a. the Hemel Hempstead Hitter).


John McClure said...

Luke, you have an enigmatic face - on the smaller picture, it looks like you're smiling quite broadly - but on the bigger picture, you look like you're getting bored with the photographer.

swisslet said...

there's only one legend in that photo, and it's not Di Maggio...

.....although he may have been better at baseball.