Thursday, February 17, 2005

Some Statues Are So Nice, You've Gotta Stand By Them Twice...

Sir Winston Churchill, for us Brits one of the most important people of the 20th century. He was Prime Minister and leader of the allied forces during the Second World War, and a brilliant orator and a tireless source of strength to the British people, eventually overseeing victory over Nazi Germany.

Imagine the surprise on finding this statue of Sir Winston in the middle of a cold downtown Toronto then. He was a regular visitor to Canada too, however, where he was also an inspiration to the allied forces of Canada.

I speak on behalf of my relatives who fought in the War, and for all the people of Britain in saying that, Sir Winston Churchill, never before have we owed a leader of our country so much. We salute you!

In the photo above, my housemate John provides a great Churchillian pose, and, like I say, some statues are so nice, you’ve gotta stand by them twice, so I have imitated the great wartime leader below. Although I haven’t nailed the pose quite as well as John, I like to think that I have imitated the Churchill hairstyle just that little bit better!


John McClure said...

One of my favourite Churchill quotes was delivered in Canada in a speach to the Canadian Parliament in 1941.

"When I warned them that Britain would fight on alone, whatever they did, their Generals told their Prime Minister and his divided cabinet that in three weeks, England would have her neck wrung like a chicken - Some chicken! Some neck!"

Anonymous said...

Lucky thing he's not around today. In jail he would be for smaoking those Cigars. Wasn't that Freedom he led the fight for? Seems we lost quite a bit from our own hands of lately

Anonymous said...

I woder if the NAZIs won if they would put cameras all over London to watch us? and would the Nazis make laws against smoking and make us wear our seatbelts? I wonder if USA & UK will make Iraquis wear seatbelts, not smoke indoors and put cameras all over to save them from thierselfs?

Anonymous said...

I'm all for the freedom for other people to smoke and not wear seatbelts IF smokers and non-seatbelt-wearers pay all their own medical bills. I'm tired of paying such high health insurance premiums because of other people's bad behavior. The biggest obstacle to starting my own business was being able to afford health insurance when I started out - and I'm perfectly healthy. As for smoking indoors, people certainly should have the freedom to do that If they are willing to smoke inside some sort of airtight helmut or something. They should not have the freedom to increase the risk of cancer for others and to stink up the place for other people.